Sergeant Major Doogan first introduced the sport into the army in 1920. Initially it was regarded as an auxiliary gymnasium exercise for boxers in training but before long it gained the status of a game in its own right and basketball has remained popular in the army ever since.

Sergeant Major Doogan first introduced the sport into the army in 1920. Initially it was regarded as an auxiliary gymnasium exercise for boxers in training but before long it gained the status of a game in its own right and basketball has remained popular in the army ever since.

In the 1980s, players from the United States participating on teams and clubs in Belfast had a huge impact in raising the profile of Northern Ireland basketball and increasing the level of talent for all players. Current CNIBA coach Kelvin Troy was a leading player for Jameson St. Vincent’s, Killester and Ballina and was the first American to be inducted into the Basketball Ireland Hall of Fame in 2019.